About Me

My turning point was in 2014, after a period of depression, suffering, endless pain. I could then starting to level up my consciousness, understanding that I was the creator of all the circumstances I was living. Especially the ones I didn’t want to experience at all! After the Shadow work and going through the process of The Dark night of the Soul I could finally start a new journey to connect with my true self and perceiving we are powerful beyond measure.

I’ve tried to fit in the masses belief system but it all ended up with frustration, fears, anxiety and the feeling of not belonging to the system. After a traumatic separation I really crashed and reached the bottom of all the pain I could ever imagined. Inside that spiral of suffering, rejection I was surviving with one year and half baby in my arms, feeling alone and humiliated. That culminated having panic attacks, particularly in crowed places or next to families with children. The shock was huge and deep. I lost then, all hope in humanity and motivation in existence. That was the trigger for seeking answers.

Through that pathway, I’ve learned valuable lessons. One is that we are  responsible for our circumstances.  We all have the power of choice. Everything we do, think and say has a matching consequence, wether we are aware of that or not. And we don’t have to carry the responsibility of others people behaviour against us. What others DO it’s their accountability, what YOU DO it’s yours to be conscious about. There for, I took responsibility of my actions and I started to make the changes I wanted to see IN ME. Including being surrounded with people who inspire, nourish, uplift me to be the best version of myself. So I just set boundaries for what no longer serves my pathway and be with peers I want to have in my life.

A special incident marked the journey to reconnect with myself. While sketching in St.Petersburg at the shore of Neva River, a man was drowning in the river, fighting for his life. After hearing the splash in the water, I immediately move to reach him out. Plenty people were walking by and some were just seated next to me, simply observing.

As I couldn’t hold myself to nothing, I gave my arm and called him to make an impulse. It was an intensive moment till he finally grab me. On that moment it was immediate I could fall as well so, in silence, I ask to the divine force or whatever may exist, to give me the strength to hold both of us. I tried to push him but it was too heavy. I screamed for help but even the people one meter from me, didn’t move. I realize I was getting weaker asking for help. That was the moment I ask for all the force of the universe, my guides and all the frequencies that I believed that give creation to all existence, to give me the power to hold both of us. It was an intense moment that cannot be described in words. Seemed an eternity. Finally help came, his family pulled us together. After some minutes, clarity invaded me, I wasn’t afraid of losing my life but I cried imagining my son to be raised without his mother.

This was a moment of big CONNECTION and a huge lesson. We have more power than we believe, we are powerful beyond measure and we don’t even explore what we are capable of BEING and DOING.

I went on a journey of self-knowledge, investing time and money exploring  the works of some authors and role models; taking seminars, courses of neuroscience, biology, psychology, quantum physics, Relationships and Love. Through that understanding, I reached the primal  importance of Empathy,  feeling with others from their perspective, put myself on others shoes,  which is totally different from sympathy, where nice words are said with no connection. PHD. Brene Brown is brilliant on approaching guilt, shame and vulnerability.

I wanted to know why we do the things we do. How our brain, mind, body operates. How the environment influences our behaviour. How can we transform habits, character, personality and not just carrying around our little egos? How can we express ourselves to the fullest?

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Doing the Shadow Work help me to see what I was hiding from myself and that, only the truth would set me free. It was needed courage and humility to embrace the negative thoughts, anger, traumas and observe my character and personality, in order to transmute and start to thrive. My therapist Maria Bartolomeu was an amazing platform to support me in this transition, to be back to life and live my full potential. So I believe we don’t have to be alone, someone specialist in the areas we need to work on, would help us to be a guide toward our success.

We have the power of choice. We can choose to live on automatic pilot, the same daily routine or we can live in creativity and consciousness, expanding who we are, making a contribution to those around us and simultaneously causing a positive ripple effect in the world. We can keep blaming others and the society, repeating the same cycle of stagnation, or we can start asking deep questions that can bring about profound changes to our lives.

We cannot expect a different result operating the same way. What you have at the moment is the result of what you think, say and do. In order to have a different result, something has to change.

Taking the masterclass Unlock Your Quantum Powers by Dr. Jean Houston PH.D.  along with workshops from Deepak Chopra,  Jack CanfieldByron Katie and many others, was a huge jump. Followed by other masterclasses with Neale Donald Walsch, Craig Hamilton, Marianne Williamson, Dr.Joe Dispenza, Dr.Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, John C. Maxwell, Lynne Twist, Jesse Elder, Mike Kemski, Allen Brouwer and so forth, inspired me to explore my potential, to be real, authentic and tune in to a frequency that uplifts me. Utilising the tools I gained from this time, also had a positive impact on my interaction with peers and clients. We could all benefit.

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What also helped me along my journey was applying the teachings  I’ve learned with Tony Robbins. I had the chance to go to the seminar Unleash the Power Within , It was a dream that came true to me, a transformational trip towards the unlimited power of self. It all started when I place on my vision board and envisioned everyday. It was transformative, my life would not be the same again.


There are many cycles in our lives and through that understanding we can start everyday to re-write a new chapter to live with more purpose, joy, fulfilment and CONTRIBUTION. I found then with Kirsten Steno how to apply house-coaching to my life and the people around me, clients and friends could also benefit immensely. It was a year of deep studying to get a certification and no words can describe how important was Kirsten in my life.

Much Appreciation for being here writing to you, dear reader….

Salomé Letras

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LOGO meaning

Gold: we all have a noble gift to apply in our lives, our GOLDEN TOUCH
Green water: Transformation
SL: my name in mirror.Everything is Your Mirror.

More of my inspirations:

Tony Robbins www.tonyrobbins.com
Marianne Williamson www.marianne.com/
Gregg Braden www.greggbraden.com/
Dr. Wayne Dyer www.drwaynedyer.com/
Martha Beck www.marthabeck.com
John C. Maxwell www.johnmaxwell.com
Oprah www.supersoul.tv
Neal Donald Walsch www.nealedonaldwalsch.com/
Eckhart Tolle www.eckharttolle.com
Teal Swan www.tealswan.com
Sadhguru www.isha.sadhguru.org
Marie Forleo www.marieforleo.com
Albert Einstein
Bruce Lipton www.brucelipton.com/
Joe Dispenza www.drjoedispenza.com
​Brendon Burchard www.brendon.com
Luke Storey www.lukestorey.com

”We cannot expect a different result with the same thoughts and actions.”

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